Making of true multi-brand design system | by Pavel Kiselev


As a designer, I wanted to have a flexible and easy-to-maintain style system that I could adapt for any client on any platform with a plug-and-play workflow. CSS-like classes if you will.

The concept

To make it work I need to decouple components and their styles. It’s like creating CSS classes for buttons, dropdowns and forms but using Figma components. I call them style components.

The style component represents a reusable UI element style and it is very similar to the CSS class.

Button layer structure

In Figma, the style component instance is absolutely positioned and it sits behind the content.

This way I can reuse this visual layer over and over again to style similar components in a consistent way.

All form elements use the same style

There is another interesting side effect. Because it is a component instance I can easily swap it with another instance which opens the opportunity to provide multiple style options for my components.

For example, the search box is a regular input that uses a different style.

The search box uses an alternative style

My absolute must-have would be the following:

  1. Common UI element
    A base style for all interactive UI elements that are clickable, hoverable and selectable. Things like menu items, list items and nav items.
  2. Buttons
    Default, primary, destructive and ghost buttons
  3. Form controls
    Inputs, checkboxes, radio buttons and toggle switches
  4. Focus visual
    Re-usable and consistent focus visual that I can apply to any element I like
  5. Overlays
    Styles for modals, dropdowns, toasts and pop-overs

Style component structure

It’s a good idea to keep a consistent structure for the style components. It makes it easier to maintain and replace layers whenever I need to.

After multiple experiments, here is what I ended up with.

Base style component layer structure

Let’s break it down.

  1. The background layer is for the main colour and layer effects to apply. The background image layer inside does the same job as a background-image property in CSS.
  2. The drop shadow component is a custom-made elevation effect to support colour bleed shadows. This way I can change the shadow colour however I like without creating a dedicated effect style in Figma. And I can even change the shadow blending mode too!

The image below illustrates what I can get using the base style component with only a few colours.

Custom style made with the base style component

Let’s not forget about the dark mode.

Dark mode preview

Visual States

All interactive elements must have visual states. I use component variants to implement that.

Here is for example my primary button style.

Primary button style component

And this is the form element.

Form element styles

A very important feature in modern UI development is the ability to modify colours which is a great way to simplify the colour palette.

For example, in CSS we can use color-mix() function and we can overlay any solid fill with gradients. All modern CSS pre-processors have colour functions in one way or another.

The issue is that Figma does not have that for styles and colour variables. To overcome this limitation I have to rely on special design components and let the layers do the job.


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